Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mobile phones, Boost Brain Cancer

London, so far researchers are still arguing about the risk of brain tumors, generated by mobile phone signals caused. Recent data have shown once again that the signals from the mobile phone is dangerous.

New research aims to combine the best available data from previous studies showed that cell phones actually increase the risk of brain cancer. Independent studies in the long term follow-up was more than double the risk weight of an active mobile phone users.

"We conclude that current standards for exposure to microwaves from mobile phones is not safe for long-term exposure and should be reviewed," Dubey said the regular budget of the Apeejay College of Engineering India.

This study includes 11 long-term studies is always the risk of cell phone use, and has shown mixed results. Earlier this year, completed the Interphone study, which took 10 years for all those affected by diseases of brain cancer, but other studies, Professor Lennart Hardell, has found that led to a sharp increase in the risk of signals cell phone.

Another long-term studies are currently underway in Europe, but it would take 30 years for a real result.

"The use of long-term mobile phone can almost double the risk of glioma or acoustic neuroma in the more open areas of the brain, the user typically has the phone," he said.

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