Monday, December 27, 2010

Green Tea and Eating Mushroom Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer

Mushrooms and green tea seems a kind of simple food and drinks. But behind her, mushrooms and properties of the large green tea shop. Recent studies show, mushrooms and green tea to effectively reduce the risk of cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women worldwide.

Therefore, in particular for women, good food and drinks in the list of the diet. Results can be sure to meet your initial motivation.

A study by a team of researchers from the University of Western Australia, Perth was conducted, showed that women who eat lots of mushrooms and green tea in your diet to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

The study in the International Journal of Cancer has published, in which more than 2,000 Chinese women. They found that women eat more fresh mushrooms and dried mushrooms, the greater the risk of breast cancer. The risk is also lower among women who drink green tea every day.

As is known, the rate of breast cancer in China was 4.5 times lower than in other developing countries. Although this number has begun to increase in particular in the fields of plenty.

"These latest results indicate that the traditional diet, especially with the mushrooms and green tea has a lot due to the low incidence of breast cancer in China," said study leader, Dr. Min Zhang.

This study was conducted in southern China, with 2,018 women. A total of 1009 diantarnya, breast cancer and staying healthy women without breast cancer. Participants 20-87 years. They were asked to complete questionnaires about their diet and the frequency of consumption of certain foods such as mushrooms and green tea.

usually held in Zhang's team found that women, many of the fresh mushrooms, 10 grams or more consumed per day, 3.2 times the risk of breast cancer less than they do not eat mushrooms. Meanwhile, 4 grams of dried mushrooms or more per day ate the risk of a lower average time to cancer with experience who do not eat mushrooms.

Meanwhile, women who drank green tea and eat mushrooms every day that a 11-18% risk of breast cancer than those who drink do both. However, the research is clear, this study does not prove cause and effect.

Researchers have shown that risk factors for breast cancer as a bit of weight, educational level, frequency of exercise habits and smoking, but are bright, there are other factors that could explain these results.

"This study is the first to link the amount of mushrooms and green tea in the diet with a reduced risk of breast cancer," said Zhang. However, he added, this invention can also be received in biology.

Studies in laboratory animals, he says, showed the mushroom with anti-tumor substances can stimulate the immune system to recover the body against cancer. The same goes for green tea, this tea contains antioxidants called polyphenols. This substance was effective against breast cancer in animals.
READ MORE - Green Tea and Eating Mushroom Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nitrosylcobalamin, New Drug Overcome Cancer

Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic have shown promising results for cancer treatment. The reason, a new anticancer drug tested in dogs suffering from cancer, was able to deal with cancer without side effects like poison or a disadvantage. These drugs, they explained, would be an effective treatment for promising new therapies to treat cancer in humans.

Because of this new discovery, Joseph A. Bauer, PhD, Center of Hematology / Oncology Molecular Therapeutics at the Cleveland Clinic, was awarded outstanding at the 237th annual meeting of the American Chemical Society.

Bauer's team has succeeded in this story begins with Oscar, age 10, male dog who has cancer is very aggressive. Cancer is known as adenocarcinoma bag. Oscar chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but failed. Oscar convicts can not survive for 3 months and lose the ability to walk.

In addition, Bauer's team gave the drug against cancer killer Oscar innovation called nitrosylcobalamin (NO-CBL). The results are very encouraging. In two weeks, Oscar cancer has improved and he could walk again.

Trojan horse "to Cancer

NO-CBL drugs fight cancer, as the Trojan horse principle. Trojan is a destructive substance hidden in something that looks harmless.

New medicine against cancer is also almost the same principle. cancer killer and drug addiction, known as nitric oxide is incorporated in the tablets of vitamin B12. The substance, called receptors on the cell surface and vitamins to help pull in the cell. Cancer cells grow faster in the presence of B12 receptors. NO-CBL using this receptor in the cells and release of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is killing the cancer cells from within.

Based on the news release from the American Chemical Society, experts have tried for over 60 years developed a Trojan horse with vitamin B12 like this to fight cancer.

Tim Bauer also reported similar results with success on two other dogs. Ultrasound and MRI showed a significant reduction in tumor size in the three dogs studied.

The use of n-CBL for 9 months to reduce the size of the cancer by 40% in dog named Buddy. Dogs that had suffered nerve damage in his right foot behind her again able to walk. This treatment has also shown encouraging results in dogs Schnauzwer giant female who developed thyroid cancer. Cancer before and no longer have this currently experiencing a reduction in size of up to 77% in less than 10 weeks. The team is treating the dog the fourth, a golden retriever named Haley.

The team intends to cure cancer in 10 dogs, then get FDA approval for testing in humans. "In human genetics with the same dog that will facilitate the FDA approval for human trials," said Bauer.
READ MORE - Nitrosylcobalamin, New Drug Overcome Cancer

Pregnancy, Potential to Reduce Cancer

Researchers from Tokyo Medical and Dental University found new evidence that cancer can be inherited from mother to fetus in the uterus. Analysis of a watch case, cancer cells in infants are genetically by cancer cells of the mother.

In the case published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers use genetic research to prove if cancer cells have been transferred from mother to child. The mother is 28 years old Japanese woman who was diagnosed with leukemia after giving birth, and his daughter 11 months old also suffered the same type of cancer.

According to researchers in the last 100 years has been several reports of the discovery of cancerous cells in the baby's mother. This, they say, showed a possible reduction in cancer cells from mother to fetus. "But he has not yet been proven genetically," said the researcher.

The results of genetic tests showed the cancer cells have a baby with a genetic match of cancer stem cells. Special signs in babies of cancer cells to prove that these cells come from the mother.

In addition, the results of further tests showed that cancer cells in babies lose some genetic material, material that is believed lost as a marker of cancer cells are abnormal cells, and was eliminated by children's immune systems. This genetic trait, according to researcher Takeshi Isoda, allowing the mother to cancer cells, avoiding the protective layer of the placenta of the fetus.
READ MORE - Pregnancy, Potential to Reduce Cancer

Friday, December 24, 2010

Lycopene, Natural Dyes Prevent Prostate Cancer

Food manufacturers often use of lycopene for the food coloring. With the ban on the use of artificial colors, lycopene in the correct answer is both healthy.

Lycopene as the carotenoid family, which act as antioxidants, protecting the body by deactivating free radicals before damage can occur from the disease. In addition to the antioxidant capacity, according to company Allied Biotech Corporation karotenioid, lycopene has also been found capable of reducing the risk of heart disease, oxidation of lipids, cholesterol, LDL (bad cholesterol) is lower, boost the immune system and, particular, the prevention of cancer.

Heart Disease Prevention

Lycopene has been reported can significantly reduce LDL oxidation in human blood. This suggests that lycopene has a role in preventing heart disease, in which a condition is to reduce LDL cholesterol oxidation.

Prostate Cancer Prevention

Lycopene is concentrated in certain organs of the body, particularly the prostate gland. Some studies have suggested an association of lycopene with a lower risk of prostate cancer. Earl Washington research, for example, found that men who have a large amount of lycopene in the blood, the risk of prostate cancer decreased by 50 percent more than those who ate less food sources of lycopene. Even for those under 70 years, the benefits are greater.

The source of lycopene

In the food industry, lycopene is used as natural dyes, according to his nature as giver in natural red fruits. Unfortunately, the absorption of lycopene by the body is not always easy, as the tomato.

the antioxidant content of tomatoes before cooking is relatively low. To increase the amount of lycopene in which both easier for the body to absorb lycopene, tomatoes must be cooked, or can be added to olive oil or canola oil. This means, all the tomato products like tomato sauce, tomato soup and spaghetti sauce are an excellent source of lycopene to the body. However, keep in mind to choose products low in sodium and sugar.

Many people think tomatoes are the only source of lycopene. In fact, there are also sources of lycopene in watermelon, guava, red, orange, Florida (Grapefruit), tomato juice, ketchup, and so on. For those of you who do not like tomatoes, these materials can certainly be an alternative of natural dyes in the service of the family.
READ MORE - Lycopene, Natural Dyes Prevent Prostate Cancer

Green Tea Not Proven Can Prevent Breast Cancer

Antioxidants in green tea has long been known to prevent cancer cell growth. However, recent research in Japan shows no link between green tea consumption with breast cancer risk.

Several previous studies noted that consumption of green tea may help protect women from breast cancer. This is because the content of polyphenol compounds contained in green tea may actually protect against breast cancer.

Polyphenols belong to a powerful antioxidant. This compound neutralizes free radicals that cause cancer. However, recent large-scale studies in Japan showed different results. Drinking green tea had no relation to breast health. Result of these findings published online in the Oct. 28 issue of the journal Breast Cancer Research.

"We found no overall relationship between green tea consumption and risk of breast cancer among Japanese women used to drink green tea," said study leader Dr. Motoki Iwasaki, Epidemiology and Prevention in Research Center for Cancer Prevention and Screening of the National Cancer Center in Tokyo, Japan.

"Our findings suggest that consumption of green tea is consumed regularly is not possible to reduce the risk of someone suffering from breast cancer," said Healthday.

For this study, Iwasaki team members collected data on 53,793 women who were surveyed between 1995 and 1998. Ask the question of how many participants are consuming green tea.

This question was given at baseline and introduced five years later. In the second study, researchers also asked about the two types of green tea Sencha and Bancha Genmaicha.

The researchers found, among women, approximately 12% of them consumed less than one cup of green tea in the other 27% per week. Drinking five or more cups a day.

This study also included female respondents who drank more than 10 cups a day. For nearly 14 years of follow up, 350 women from the study participants had breast cancer.

However, the researchers found no association between green tea and breast cancer risk. In the study, Iwasaki said that a force of this investigation and the enactment of the goals to reach for the number of participants to information collected before the diagnosis of breast cancer.

"So avoid the bias that is often inherent in research using the case study method," he said.

Dr. Stephanie Bernik, breast cancer surgeon at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, United States, said it was difficult to say that there is no benefit at all from green tea consumption.

"Maybe there is no benefit, specifically for breast cancer," he said.

Bernik said that many women who have breast cancer are interested in alternative medicine when Western medical treatment can not cure.

"We always seek more knowledge about how to treat breast cancer and reduce the incidence of breast cancer," he said.

"Women definitely interested in how you can have a healthy lifestyle," continued Bernik.

Jennifer J. Hu, professor of epidemiology and public health at the University of Miami School of Medicine, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, United States, adding that the problem with population-based study is that when it comes to seeing a single factor, which not be taken into account the risk factors Another conclusion that can affect research.

"Also, just by drinking green tea, do not get enough of the form (possibly compound to fight cancer) to make a big difference," he said.

Based on these problems, Hu did not believe that this research is to answer the question of whether or not green tea may help someone prevent breast cancer.

Breast cancer deserves to be seen as a frightening disease for women. Worldwide, breast cancer is the second leading cause of death after lung cancer, colon cancer followed.

While in Indonesia, the number of patients with breast cancer is second after cancer of the cervix (cervical). The high number of cases of suspected breast cancer that women are less aware of breast changes that often causes breast cancer is detected at an advanced stage.

In fact, early detection and increased surveillance along the appropriate treatment is thought to reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer.

Specific causes of breast cancer remains unknown. However, there are many factors that are estimated to have an influence on the occurrence of breast cancer. The family history, menstruation or menopause very young at the age of 50, gave birth to her first child at the age of 35 years, diets with excessive consumption of fat, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption , stress, genetic factors and others.
READ MORE - Green Tea Not Proven Can Prevent Breast Cancer

Hair Coloring, Causes Cancer

Beautiful hair color change can be an added value on appearance. But be careful with custom hair coloring. The latest research says, the chemicals in hair dyes could trigger various health problems, including cancer.

Assistant Professor, Division of Preventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Manuela Gago Dominguez said, someone who used permanent hair dyes at least once a month for a year or more the risk of developing cancer . The study found that hair dye, dark colors, especially the shooting lymphoma cancer risk non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and bladder cancer.

"The dark color of hair dye, the hair dye content of the arylamines are also more and more," Dominguez said of the USC News, Tuesday (25/08/2009). "The cancer risk increased according to the frequency to dye his hair. The reason is, arylamine more that enters your body system," he added.

Arylamines are substances in hair dyes that can color. Dominguez explained that although this substance is not harmful to the fetus, but pregnant women should avoid permanent hair dyes, especially in the first three months.

In a small study of women who color their hair since 1980, found that the use of dark permanent dyes for more than 25 years could increase the risk of lymphoma cancer non-Hodgkin twice.

Besides increasing the risk of cancer, the study also found that hair coloring can cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks.
READ MORE - Hair Coloring, Causes Cancer

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Beware, Breast Cancer Attack Youth!

Once cancer is identical to the age of the elderly. But now, the number two killer diseases world women attack began at a young age. Necessary precautions to maintain productivity.
October to the dynamics of the celebration of World Breast Cancer Awareness. And the momentum should be the fair sex, are more concerned with breast health.
"Breast cancer is not just strike older women, but also young people have a talent for early breast cancer have. The people must always check the awareness of women themselves," said the chairman of the Health Foundation.
Recommend breast ultrasound for women who are not married. And while stepping age of 35 years, breast ultrasound should be performed every two years. Then check regularly.
"We have used the century of cancer. Expenses, we are a developing country in two. Diseases, cancer slowly but surely. I fear, more to the young age. I patients with recent age of 15 years," he said.
Added added precaution, checked regularly to an ideal combination for the prevention of breast cancer in the light of normal malignant cells will last for many years.
"We know baseball, how to live healthy, but we forget the environment is beyond our role. Substance of free radicals incredible," he said.
Preventive measures that can be grown, control environmental factors, lifestyle and diet (which is now more ready meals). While breast cancer risk factors, including no children, age over 35 years, history of benign tumors of the breast, while still single, and overweight women who work at night.
"The problem now is stable, the trend of a young age. In fact, we have a research, genetic factors were increased by 5-7 percent annually," he said.
READ MORE - Beware, Breast Cancer Attack Youth!

Colon Cancer, Avoid the Early Detection

Colon or Colorectal cancer is a disease that moves slowly. It is estimated that it is time for the formation of colorectal cancer is 15 to 20 years.
"If the person a long time been exposed and do not do things to protect, as if to prevent, do not smoke, do not eat too much, exercise, and so on, so the cancer," said cancer specialist.
Explains Aru, similar to other types of cancer requires a long time to develop cancer, about 10 to 25 years. This was caused by an uncontrolled growth due to the exposure (exposure) carcinogenic substances in the environment. In the initial state is in the "correction" or the "elimination" of the monitoring system and "repair" of the body. If the cells are constantly exposed, usually in the long run, it will eventually lose the body and damage to the growth of "awesome" it is rampant, so the cancer.
Therefore, people are encouraged by early examination of existing blood in the stool and colonoscopy do because if there is a time to prevent actual, careful consideration to avoid high-stage cancer. "Early detection of colorectal cancer to those who will tread the age of 50 years recommended," said a specialist in internal medicine (internists), and as a consultant cancer.
However, Ronald suggested for those who have a family history of ovarian cancer, colon and lung cancer had to be, early diagnosis is recommended before the age of 50 years. So should the early diagnosis since the age of 40 years for those who will do a history of cancer in the family carried out. A simple way is to check at regular intervals dirt or feces, blood look weak, may indicate that the presence of these cancers of the colon.
"Recommended for persons aged 50 years undergoing colonoscopy and repeated every year ten," he advised.
For those who already have symptoms such as bleeding during bowel movements and closing roads or bowel obstruction, early detection is highly recommended. To colon cancer, surgical therapy is the main way and the most effective, especially if a disease is still localized enough.
But if it happens, metastasis (spread), the handling is difficult. With the development of chemotherapy and radiation therapy at the moment, allows people with advanced stages or relapse on adjuvant therapy. Adjuvant therapy is chemotherapy after surgery in patients with cancer in stage III ordered to kill the remaining cancer cells.
"Usually in the form of drug delivery sitostatica (cancer) with various combinations, sometimes with oral tablets or certain mixed," he said.
In accordance with the circumstances at the time the tumor is found, cancer in 4 steps or phases will be divided based on depth location in the intestine, whether the lymph nodes outside the colon, and whether the existing deployment in remote locations such as liver and lung (metastasis ). have steps or stages, the difference in life expectancy and other therapeutic modalities.
Cancer has been slow and it is feared will happen in a sudden someone with an already chronic situation. To this end, avoid risk factors that protect health, maintain a healthy lifestyle into action, which is highly recommended to avoid this disease.
READ MORE - Colon Cancer, Avoid the Early Detection

DNA Repair, Auxiliary Skin Cancer Treatment

LEEDS - A new DNA discovery may help treat patients with skin cancer. The researchers found that the DNA repair genes in tumors, the failure to reduce cancer chemotherapy treatments.
Many anti-cancer drugs work by damaging the DNA of tumor cells. But the DNA of tumor cells can survive and grow again. For the first time that the genes involved in DNA as a marker of response to therapy for patients with skin cancer meant to repair. The results were published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research.
Leaders of the study, Professor Julia Newton-Bishop, from Cancer Research UK Centre, said the report (the so-called biomarkers), changes in the tumors themselves, predict how patients may respond to treatment.
With the knowledge of who attacked most of its genes can help doctors provide early treatment, survived, including the prediction of the likelihood of these patients. DNA repair system is an advantage in the medical world, but the latest research shows that this system also helps the cancer therapy.
The study included 472 patients with melanoma malgnant form the most dangerous skin cancer.
READ MORE - DNA Repair, Auxiliary Skin Cancer Treatment

Tea & Coffee, Prevent Brain Cancer

Whether you like tea and coffee drinks happy. Serves not only add to the energy in the body, regular consumption of tea and coffee are known to prevent cancer, especially brain tumor.
Scientists have long evidence that coffee or tea can be found to increase endurance. However, recent research shows that eating regular two types of the most popular drinks in this world from brain tumors that often protect the impact on adults.
Although only half a cup of coffee or tea per day may reduce the risk of brain tumors by 34 percent. Dominique S. Michaud of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Brown University, Providence, USA, is chairman of an international team their findings in the November issue of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The idea that coffee and tea health benefits, especially against cancer for regular drinkers with previous studies that demonstrated that the lovers are two drinks can also avoid the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are supposed to be. Other studies further discussed the possibility that coffee and tea also prevent brain tumors.
In particular, the type of glioma, a cancer, central nervous system of the brain and spinal cord or attacks. Gliomas, including brain cancer causes about 80 percent of cases of malignant brain tumors in adults. However, the results of this study is not itself able to prove that, the two drinks that protect against cancer. "It's all temporary," said Michaud.
"This study should not be a reason for all those whose intake of coffee or tea to change," he continued. Although coffee and tea is a direct effect on risk of glioma, it looks like the effect to be small. Brain cancers are generally rare in the world.
In Europe, for example, the annual incidence rate estimated at between four to six cases per 100,000 women and six to eight cases per 100,000 men. Overall, the likelihood of developing brain tumors someone in their life is less than 1 percent.
But Michaud says, if the intake of coffee and tea, which is higher should protect against gliomas, it was unable to give investigators insight into the cause of the cancer. "Currently we do not know much about the causes of brain tumors," he said.
The study itself evaluates health data from more than 410,000 men and women between 25 and 70 years from the European Prospective Investigation research on cancer and diet created that originated from France, Holland, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Greece, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.
Participants were recruited 1991-2000 continuously observed by 8.5 years. In a study carried out a survey that is used as a measure of food, including tea and coffee consumption each study participant. They were also asked to complete questionnaires about medical history, diet, physical inactivity, smoking and other lifestyle factors.
In that time, 343 new cases diagnosed gliomas. Also, 245 new cases of meningioma, other types of cancer, that the tissue that affects surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Overall, consumption of decaffeinated coffee was found very low. While the usual coffee and tea drinking habits vary from country to country. For example, Denmark (the largest consumer of coffee) drink an average of almost 3.5 cups per day.
Or Italian (the most efficient) on average, less than half a cup per day. The highest consumption of tea by participants from the UK and the lowest in Spain made. The addition of beverage consumption on the incidence of brain tumors were related. The research team found that drinking 100 ml (or about 0.4 cups) per day or more may be risk of glioma by 34 percent to be reduced.
In addition, it also concluded that the protective effect of these two drinks seemed a little stronger against a man and seems to apply only to gliomas. According to Michaud, is not clear why there was no evidence of dose-response relationship between coffee and tea consumption with risk of glioma, which is considered generally a strong sign of a possible causal relationship.
But perhaps it relates to the difficulty of accurately measuring the intake of coffee and tea from the study participants, which depends on the report itself. "It is biologically plausible that coffee or tea and may influence the risk of gliomas," he said. A recent laboratory study found, for example, that caffeine is the growth of a type of glioma glioblastoma seemed slow.
In addition, both coffee and tea contain antioxidants, protect cells from damage causes the body to cancer and other diseases can to help. However, it could also coffee and tea lovers, has other characteristics, influence the susceptibility to glioma.
But as far as the features that were not detected caused brain cancer, it is not yet known. Researchers know there are some risk factors. Those who undergo radiation therapy are to treat the most radiation to the head to other types of cancer at high risk of brain tumors in the future. Genetic Pradisposisi apparently plays a role in a few cases of brain tumors. But evidence of food or environmental factors, such as exposure to chemicals in the workplace so far inconclusive. Michaud said, must be confirmed a few studies that identify a relationship between coffee and tea consumption with risk of glioma and the underlying causes.
Dr. Jonathan Friedman, chief of the Texas Brain and Spine Institute at Texas A & M Health Science Center College of Medicine, Bryan, Texas, USA, described the results as "surprising".
"Note, however, is the mechanism to protect why coffee can (a disease) is really unclear," he said. "While the benefits of caffeine itself may be important (the body), but several other common components in a coffee or tea may also be relevant (the cause), such as natural antioxidants," he said.
"But more research is needed to confirm these results and determine how to be the basis of the correlation relationship," Friedman happen outside. Dr. John S. Yu, director of the Brain Tumor Center of Excellence at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, United States of America, called the discovery remarkable. "If we have a cure for various diseases that can reduce the risk of suffering about 34 percent, would be a great medicine," he said.
READ MORE - Tea & Coffee, Prevent Brain Cancer

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mobile phones, Boost Brain Cancer

London, so far researchers are still arguing about the risk of brain tumors, generated by mobile phone signals caused. Recent data have shown once again that the signals from the mobile phone is dangerous.

New research aims to combine the best available data from previous studies showed that cell phones actually increase the risk of brain cancer. Independent studies in the long term follow-up was more than double the risk weight of an active mobile phone users.

"We conclude that current standards for exposure to microwaves from mobile phones is not safe for long-term exposure and should be reviewed," Dubey said the regular budget of the Apeejay College of Engineering India.

This study includes 11 long-term studies is always the risk of cell phone use, and has shown mixed results. Earlier this year, completed the Interphone study, which took 10 years for all those affected by diseases of brain cancer, but other studies, Professor Lennart Hardell, has found that led to a sharp increase in the risk of signals cell phone.

Another long-term studies are currently underway in Europe, but it would take 30 years for a real result.

"The use of long-term mobile phone can almost double the risk of glioma or acoustic neuroma in the more open areas of the brain, the user typically has the phone," he said.
READ MORE - Mobile phones, Boost Brain Cancer

Prostate Cancer Symptoms that of Despite Caution

Many seniors who have difficulty in urination due to enlargement of the prostate (not cancerous) have. For some men, this expansion was due to cancer growth.

Meanwhile, prostate cancer occurs when prostate cells grow faster than normal conditions to form lumps or tumors with malignant disease. This cancer is more common in men, especially in the age group over 65 years.

Prostate cancer rarely attack men younger than 45 years, unless a family member suffering. The exact cause is unknown, but there are some things that may increase the risk of prostate cancer are age and family history. Hormones, diet high in fat and toxins, also referred to as risk factors for prostate cancer, although the relationship is unclear.

Symptoms of prostate cancer should consider, including:

Difficulty urinating

This may take the form that the need to urinate, but nothing is excluded, suspended in the middle, or often to the bathroom. Other symptoms are hard to stop to urinate frequently in the form of urine several times and still feel the need, but in complete reality.

Painful urination

Similarly, the problem is the pressure of the tumor in the prostatic urethra. However, pain on urination and symptoms of infection of the prostate such as prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is an extension of prostate cancer but is not known.

Blood in urine

These symptoms are rare, but an excuse to go directly to the doctor. It is not always blood in large quantities, you will see small red spots maybe. Some forms of urinary tract infections, blood in the urine as a cause, but doctors must perform tests to distinguish.

Difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection

This is one of the symptoms are very difficult to say. However, in the erection, if you like or restricted, in part, perhaps it is time we checked (your partner will have to avoid this is smooth.

Blood in the semen

This character like blood in the urine does not seem so obvious. The amount of blood is not too much, but enough for seeds and only a pink spot for men with prostate cancer. Women can also help in finding additional colors in semen after sex.

Chronic constipation and other intestinal diseases

The prostate is located underneath the front of the vessels of the rectum and blood in tumors that can affect the digestion here. So, like, first the chicken or the egg, chronic constipation can lead to an enlarged prostate because it causes enlargement of the gland, and vice versa.

Chronic constipation and bowel disorders may be early indicator of colon cancer. If you have symptoms of constipation, gas or other intestinal diseases occur not blame the food, you should also consult a doctor.

Frequent pain in the lower back, hips or thighs

The party is usually an extension of prostate cancer in the lower back, pelvis and hip. The pain can not be explained in this region and the weakness of this section is a sign of trouble.

One way to distinguish types of pain due to back stiffness and pain that feels deep and dull. Experts say, pain in lower back or hip that does not disappear is the reason to see your doctor.

Want to pee in the middle of the night

This is one of the distressing symptoms for children who are diagnosed with prostate cancer and trying to remember these symptoms. If you urinate more than once per night, you should consult a doctor and the PSA test.
READ MORE - Prostate Cancer Symptoms that of Despite Caution

Australia's Got Mobile Applications for Fighting Cancer?

Australia has killed more than skin cancer in the world since more than 1,850 people died, more than the number of people in a road accident. Two out of three Australians diagnosed with skin cancer at the age of 70.

"We found that many people predict the temperature and time, when they need protection from the sun, but in reality the problem is exactly the ultraviolet (UV) itself," said Sue Heward SunSmart manager at the Cancer Council Administrator.

To counter this, the Cancer Council is a free application that daily weather forecasts, including predictions of the highest level of UV light has developed.

The application has an alert function with the help of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to automatically adjust the location of the user can display the time needed for sun protection as an automatic warning UV and other functions.

SunSmart is now available for free download the application.

Cancer Council UV Players also advance warning to organizations such as sports clubs.
READ MORE - Australia's Got Mobile Applications for Fighting Cancer?

Completed Peel Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Nasopharyngeal cancer is cancer, the epithelial cells of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx behind the back is the roof of the oral cavity. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a malignant disease displayed higher among all head and neck tumors. On the other hand, including most cancers No. 4 after cervical cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer.

What are the causes of nasopharyngeal cancer?

The cause of nasopharyngeal cancer is not yet known with certainty and is a multifactorial virus such as Epstein-Barr virus, genetics, nutrition, environment and smoking. The virus is also in other non-cancerous diseases.

Who can nasopharyngeal cancer?

Nasopharyngeal cancer, anyone with an existing risk factors. Nasopharyngeal cancer is often in the career of Mongolia, namely the people of southern China, Hong Kong, Thailand, are Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. The white race is rarely affected by this disease.

What body parts can be exposed to nasopharyngeal cancer?

Nasopharyngeal cancer is a cancer that grows in the cavity behind the nose, mouth, extending beyond the roof and very easy on the eyes, ears, neck glands, and brain. Since near the nose, ears, and a hole in the bottom of the exit, nerves that control movement of the eyeball, eyelids, tongue, swallowing function.

When was the first occurrence of nasopharyngeal cancer?

The Epstein-Barr virus primary infection appeared in the first years of life and without symptoms. In elbih good hygienic conditions, new infections occur in young adulthood. Once infected, the virus for life without noticeable symptoms or appear on nasopharyngeal cancer symptoms if they are compatible with the influencing factors.

What are the symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer?

Nasopharyngeal cancer in the early stages is often difficult to know because it is hidden behind the nasal cavity or behind the upper deck of the mouth. The first symptoms, including:

1. in the form of tinnitus and the rich on one side without pain to the loss of hearing.
2. In a bleeding nose and mixed rare nose, nasal mucus, blood, constant nasal congestion, runny nose and on one side.

While symptoms, including:

1. Neck: enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
2. Eyes: strabismus, double vision, eyelid close on the affected side.
3. Headaches and headaches.

What are the risk factors for nasopharyngeal cancer?

Risk factors of nasopharyngeal cancer, namely:

1. Raw foods condom use either salted or smoked to achieve.
2. Hot foods or stimulates the mucous membranes, such as alcohol, cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes of kerosene, wood smoke, smoke, mosquito coils or smoke opium.
3. The air was full of smoke in the workplace or at home.

As can be seen, nasopharyngeal cancer?

For symptoms of ear and nose of one side (right or left), do not heal should see a doctor.

What is the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer?

Depending on the stage. Radiation (radiotherapy) is the standard treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer. In a first stage (stage 1) radiation therapy only given. At a higher level, given the combination of radiation and chemotherapy.

How to prevent nasopharyngeal cancer?

1. Creating the environment and health at work
2. Reduce foods that maintain or preservatives.
3. Avoid air pollution such as chemical fumes, industrial smoke, and so on.
4. Change your lifestyle with a healthy lifestyle, positive thinking, adequate rest, exercising regularly.
READ MORE - Completed Peel Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Prevent Breast Cancer with Papaya

Papaya (Carica papaya) is a versatile plant. The fruit contains high levels of antioxidants. This vitamin C, flavonoids, folic acid, vitamin A include panthotenik acids, minerals, magnesium, vitamin E, fiber, potassium and vitamin B. The fruit contains an enzyme that can prevent breast cancer cell growth. And the leaves and roots of various kinds of diseases to overcome.
Papaya fruit contains a variety of enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Its vitamin A content of more than carrots, more vitamin C than oranges. It is also rich in B vitamins and vitamin E.

"The protein content in papaya fruits are not too high. Only 6.4 grams per kilogram of fruit. However, this small amount almost completely digested and absorbed by the body. This is the enzyme papain in the papaya in a position a substance 35 times larger than the size alone digest, "said Dr. Diana Goddess of the European Centre for slimming.

Papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain. This enzyme is very active and capable of accelerating the process of protein digestion. This enzyme can break down food that contains protein and several amino acid compounds that are or training autointoxicaing automatically removes unwanted substances due to incomplete digestion. "High blood pressure, constipation, arthritis, epilepsy, diabetes and diseases and the digestive process is not perfect. Papain can not always prevent the occurrence of them. But at least the negative impacts, to minimize the result. Of course, papain to help the process of digesting food better, "continued Dr. Diana.

Papaya can also speed up the digestion of carbohydrates and fats. The enzyme papain to break down the fibers of the meat so the meat is easily digestible. Not surprisingly, when the papaya is often used as ingredients of meat. to keep the contents of antiseptics, the teams of the digestive system, especially the intestine with the bacterium.

Preventing Heart Disease

papaya fruit can assist the oxidation of cholesterol in the liver. High cholesterol can lead to heart attacks and strokes. And this can prevent a regular eating papaya.

Papaya is also rich in fiber can reduce cholesterol in the liver to help. Folic acid is found in papaya, harmful substances that damage the walls of blood vessels and eventually eliminate a heart attack can.

Papaya fruit contains vitamin A and vitamin B are needed to strengthen the immune system. In addition to the enzyme papain, chymopapain papaya contain enzymes that reduce inflammation, thus helping the body in the healing process of burns and other injuries.

Benefits of the papaya is no less important are the prevention of colon cancer. This is not due to fiber content. This fiber is very useful for those who have difficulty passing stools. Vitamin A is found in papaya, is very useful for people with weak lungs.

Prevent cancer

In papaya, more than 50 Amoni acid in papaya latex contain, among other things, aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysine, arginine and cysteine tritophan. "They are useful to refine the skin, strengthens skin tissues are very elastic (anti-aging early), and keep your teeth plaque deposits," said Dr. Diana.

In addition to the positive on the skin, Dr. Diana, papaya leaves can be used to treat vaginal discharge, fever caused by birth, menstruation, and will launch a breast milk (breast milk). And it can prevent cell growth of breast cancer in particular. Why?

papain enzyme can break down proteins into arginine. Arginine is an essential amino acid compound under normal conditions can not be used to produce the body and obtained through foods such as eggs and yeast. However, if the enzyme papain digestion of proteins involved in the process, it certainly makes some proteins to papain with arginine had an effect on the production of human growth hormone, human growth hormone (HGH) is . "Now, HGH is what helps to improve muscle tone and reduce fat accumulation in the body. Other relevant information, laboratory tests showed arginine used to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, "he said.
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Monday, November 22, 2010

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